I was elected IDSA Central District Representative for the Women in Design Committee 2022-2023

My Statement of Candidacy:

Last year marked my 20 years of industry experience, which motivated me to give back in a big way. I became a board member for Women in ID Chicago. I completed 10 talks to ID student and professional groups, including the IDSA Northern Lakes and Central District Ohio Chapters. I started a small group think tank for women leaders in ID, crossing the professional and educational worlds to form community and tackle touch issues together in monthly virtual meets.

Because of the active role I’ve taken in giving my expertise, time, and voice to the ID community, leaders are reaching out for guidance on how they can be better allies to women in our field. I am being sought out as a mentor for allyship with Women in ID (WIID) and I want to scale this good work that has been started.

I have depth of experience in design leadership and navigating complex systems. At Newell Brands, an international consumer products company that employees over 200 designers, I oversee a global team of industrial designers for the baby division. I also lead our ID hiring committee and I am a contributing member of our women’s employee resource group. I want to apply that expertise to this challenge of Central District Representative.